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TFC is a team game and so there are different classes/characters
who can perform different tasks. To master each class takes time and if
you are new to this then you will probably be lit up like a christmas tree
for a while. For the full write up for each class see the official team
site here. These definition
below are some of the things that the manual doesn't tell you. Scout: Not much extra other than the double conc jump and learn the art of backwards conc jumps (see medic). Remember that his gradanes are useful if a flag is sitting in open ground and people are guarding it. Also remember to use the caltrops if you have the flag most effective place to use them is when you are running away from an enemy with the flag turn a corner and drop them then. Sniper: Learn the art of a long hold fire can take out sentary guns (sg's)with one shot. Zoom Strafe left or right Fire. A tip try this out on 2fort. as you are just passing a wall to be able to see the enemy jump land crouch and find a target and fire, it confuses the hel out of other snipers that are sat waiting for you to walk round the corner. also learn to change from the rifle to the machine gun fast because close range enemies are a pain for the sniper. Soldier: Good allrounder, rocket jump up to higher ground and view all around you. to gain more altitude from the rocket jump crouch near a wall then in one motion jump and fire downwards. also a double rocket jump can get you out of deep holes crossover do the rocket jump near a wall then fire again downwards at the wall and you get even higher. learn the rocket jump while holding a nail granade and let go of it in mid air useful against enemies that are higher up than you (snipers on hunted) Demoman: demo jump, fire a green pipebomb then run over it and jump and explode it at the same time gives you maximum lift. Medic: backwards conc jump hold a conc until its about to explode 3 and a half beeps then drop it press backwards and jump all at the same time and you go backwards with great hight. double conc throw a granade and then straight away hold another stand over the one thrown wait then jump up on the last beep by this time the one you are holding will be on 3 beeps look down while in mid air and release the held conc just as it explodes and maximum height is yours.... other tips infect every other fuc*er around and run like hell as they will be pretty pi**ed at you. HWguy: -nothing- Pyro: aim at walls near enemies to get them on fire with your rocket then go in for the kill they can hardly see anything while on fire. Spy: learn the art of deception bloody quick faign all over the place and stab people from behind it kills them quicker. Engineer: This takes a while to understand where the best place to build an sg is. but use your dispencer as either a blocker for enemy runners and blow it when they run by it. or for quick stock while building an sg in those places that have no easy packs to find. your emp granades are the best for throwing at a large cluster of enemy attackers it wipes out loads. |